GinkgoNotesGinkgo NotesGinkgoNotes

Never forget what you have read

Save the ideas you love, and we’ll send them to you according to your forgetting curve. This helps you reread them at the right time, keeping them fresh in your mind.

110+ people enhanced their learning
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Up to 90% of what we read is forgotten without reinforcement

Spaced repetition is the best proven method to remember new information. That's why we built this app around it.


You spend hours reading and listening


Days later, you've forgotten most of it

Keep your book knowledge fresh

So you can answer "what was this book about?" after years
Your nervous system cannot tell the difference between an imagined experience and a 'real' experience.
-Maxwell Maltz, Psycho-Cybernetics

Found an interesting article this week? Add that as well

Link linking is supported, so you can refer to any information
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What Is ChatGPT Doing and Why Does It Work?

That ChatGPT can automatically generate something that reads even superficially like human-written text is remarkable, and unexpected. But how does it do it? And why does it work?...

Never forget a great podcastPodcast idea again

Grab some insights from podcasts and add them to the platform. We make sure you don't forget them.

Body language

The most popular kids had the longest list of people they liked. Try to be more friendly towards other people.

Joe Rogan and Naval

There is no finite number of jobs. Automation will eliminate some and create others - more creative and diverse.

Growth mindset with David Yeager

Students are much more likely to take criticism well if it is accompanied by clear communication and support.

How does it work?

Video demo


Create a note or add an existing

Add anything from the wilderness. Suitable for podcast, book and article notes.



Receive review sessions

We’ll calculate the best review times and send four sessions per note over the next months.



Review & Learn

Reviewing takes under 5 seconds and will boost your recall up to 90%. You can also hide the answer to practice recall then reveal it.

How well do you remember?

apple note

Increase Sleep Quality

Knowledge you'll never lose track of



Pay once

Your long-term learning companion




  • Unlimited notes
  • Review via Telegram or email
  • Customizable repetition settings
  • Initially hide answer support
  • Upload PDFs and images
  • Early access to new features

Pay once. Access forever.


For educational institutions and large teams


  • Everything in the Pay Once plan
  • Batch note creation
  • Branded note templates
  • Admin dashboard
  • Priority support
Viktor's testimonial
I first heard about spaced repetition from GinkgoNotes. Since I started using it, I’ve been able to learn more of the valuable stuff from podcasts. Very happy with the results!
Victor V.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • We use the FSRS algorithm (the most accurate in the world). Modified to support fixed number of intervals (4) which is the minimum optimal number of repetitions.

    FSRS algorithm

    You can read more about Jarrett Ye's work here.

  • You will receive a reminder email the following day. If you don't reply to any of the reminder emails, we will automatically cancel the note repetition.
  • Reviewing notes takes less than 5 seconds. There are only four reviews per note and they are spread out over a long period of time. If you want your notes to stick, you will need to review them, yes.

  • Yes, in every email you will find a link to drop the note. If you feel you already know it or the information is outdated, you can always use this link.

Still have questions? Let's exchange emails.

Forget about forgetting